  Dittinger Flying Days 2024

Titel-Dittingen.JPG (44696 Byte)


Michael E. Fader


Michael E. Fader



Archeopterix-01.JPG (41044 Byte) Schleicher-01.JPG (36518 Byte)

Archeopterix (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Schleicher ASH-25 HB-1940 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  PC-7-01.JPG (39502 Byte) Dimona-01.JPG (40027 Byte) Piper-02.JPG (40450 Byte) Piper-01.JPG (124371 Byte) Tow-01.JPG (89351 Byte)  

Pilatus PC-7 HB-HPR (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Super-Dimona HB-2338 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Piper PA-18-180M Super Cub HB-ORL (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Piper PA-18-180M Super Cub HB-ORL (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

The Piper Super Cub towing a glider (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

The "Dittinger Flugtage" (Dittinger Flying Days) meeting is well known in the region of north-west Switzerland, but not so much beyond that. The air show had a tough time in recent years. Unfortunately, a plane crashed at the last meeting and landed in the village. Then came corona and the meeting could not take place. So it was around six years after the last meeting in the small village in the Basel region that the meeting was able to take place again. The number of visitors was enormous and pushed the infrastructure of the site to the limit. The online services in particular were temporarily unavailable.

The programme was appropriate for the site, which is actually only designed for gliders. As a result, there were a lot of gliders and towplanes present, as well as some aerobatic aircraft and warbirds. Many aircraft were not based at the airfield and came from other airfields in the wider region.



The Zögling was launched by towing from the ground. This is the usual prelude to the Dittinger Flugtage. What was new was the use of a paraglider, which, as the interested spectator learnt, is only permitted in Switzerland in the version with an electric motor. Another rather old aircraft was the DFS Habicht, which was flown by a member of the Dittingen gliding group.

  Zoegling-01.JPG (39938 Byte) Zoegling-02.JPG (47865 Byte) Zoegling-03.JPG (45477 Byte) Paraglider-01.JPG (37711 Byte) Paraglider-02.JPG (99323 Byte)  

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Glider-01.JPG (40367 Byte) Glider-02.JPG (41251 Byte) Glider-03.JPG (37619 Byte) Glider-04.JPG (62263 Byte) Glider-05.JPG (66337 Byte)  

DFS Habicht D-1901 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

DFS Habicht D-1901 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

DFS Habicht D-1901 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

DFS Habicht D-1901 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

DFS Habicht D-1901 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Patrouille Historique and some Warbirds


Rarely seen was the Patrouille Historique consisting of a Stinson L-5A Sentinel (HB-TRY) and the Morane Saulnier D-3801 (HB-RCF). Unfortunately, the crash on 23 August 2015 had a negative impact on the demonstrations. The demonstration axis was now positioned in such a way that the village of Dittingen was no longer flown over. This had the effect that the aircraft flew very far away from the spectators and also very high, although the latter is unfortunately common in Switzerland.

Hugo Mathys was present with his classic formation, but to the great surprise the DC-3 was not there and was replaced by the Douglas C-47L N150D Skytrain "Screaming Eagle". His usual programme could not be flown either due to BAZL regulations, so the team limited itself to a few overflights.

  Historic-01.JPG (35827 Byte) Historic-02.JPG (36157 Byte) Historic-03.JPG (39790 Byte) Historic-04.JPG (42446 Byte) Classic-01.JPG (36769 Byte)  

Patrouille Historique (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Morane Saulnier D-3801 (HB-RCF) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Morane Saulnier D-3801 (HB-RCF) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Stinson L-5A Sentinel (HB-TRY) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Classic Formation (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Classic-02.JPG (37524 Byte) Classic-03.JPG (39834 Byte) Classic-04.JPG (36323 Byte) Classic-05.JPG (36221 Byte) Classic-06.JPG (37017 Byte)  

Classic Formation (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Douglas C-47L N150D Skytrain (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Douglas C-47L N150D Skytrain (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Classic Formation (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Classic Formation (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

The North American OV-10B Bronco of Alain Bes from Montélimar is a favourite. The F-AZKM impressed again this year with its extreme manoeuvrability. Quite in contrast to the North American P-51D Mustang (D-FPSI), which only made fast and high overflights.

The Messerschmidt Bf.108 Taifun (HB-HEB) was a first for the editor. For many years, this aircraft hung on the ceiling of the terminal building at Zurich-Kloten airport as an exhibit. Built in 1938 (s/n1988), the aircraft was completely restored and made its second maiden flight on 30. April 2011 with a new Argus AS10C engine.

  Bronco-01.JPG (115165 Byte) Bronco-02.JPG (40362 Byte) Bronco-03.JPG (47784 Byte) Bronco-04.JPG (39387 Byte) Bronco-05.JPG (39954 Byte)  

North American OV-10B Bronco (F-AZKM)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

North American OV-10B Bronco (F-AZKM)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

North American OV-10B Bronco (F-AZKM)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

North American OV-10B Bronco (F-AZKM)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

North American OV-10B Bronco (F-AZKM)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Bronco-06.JPG (111076 Byte) Mustang-01.JPG (42638 Byte) Mustang-02.JPG (40747 Byte) Bf-108-01.JPG (168432 Byte) Bf-108-02.JPG (35441 Byte)  

North American OV-10B Bronco (F-AZKM)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

North American P-51D Mustang (D-FPSI)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

North American P-51D Mustang (D-FPSI)  (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Messerschmidt Bf.108 Taifun (HB-HEB) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Messerschmidt Bf.108 Taifun (HB-HEB) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Bf-108-03.JPG (35385 Byte) Bf-108-04.JPG (89802 Byte) Buecker-01.JPG (45684 Byte) Buecker-02.JPG (39324 Byte) Buecker-03.JPG (94143 Byte)  

Messerschmidt Bf.108 Taifun (HB-HEB) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Messerschmidt Bf.108 Taifun (HB-HEB) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Bücker 133 Jungmeister (HB-MIZ) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Bücker 133 Jungmeister (HB-MIZ) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Bücker 133 Jungmeister (HB-MIZ) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)



Dave Oldani was one of the aerobatic pilots who performed in Dittingen. He performed an impressive programme with his Murdy CAP-10 (HB-SBE), which is no longer brand new. Team Blanix and team leader Kurt Tippl were presented from Austria. The LET Blanik L13 is an aerobatic glider that was designed in 1956. Unusually, the aircraft is made of aluminium. The alternative duo from France also flew with two Fournier RF4s. Dominic Andres also took the opportunity to demonstrate the performance of his XtremeAir XA-42.

  Cap-10-01.JPG (117823 Byte) CAP-10-02.JPG (41460 Byte) CAP-10-03.JPG (35136 Byte) CAP-10-04.JPG (93829 Byte) Blanix-01.JPG (128468 Byte)  

Murdy CAP-10 (HB-SBE) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Murdy CAP-10 (HB-SBE) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Murdy CAP-10 (HB-SBE) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Murdy CAP-10 (HB-SBE) (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

LET Blanik L13 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Blanix-02.JPG (76643 Byte) Blanix-03.JPG (42989 Byte) Blanix-04.JPG (40658 Byte) Blanix-05.JPG (49579 Byte) Fournier-01.JPG (147075 Byte)  

LET Blanik L13 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

LET Blanik L13 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

LET Blanik L13 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

LET Blanik L13 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Alternative Duo Fournier RF4 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Fournier-02.JPG (33498 Byte) Fournier-03.JPG (45003 Byte) XtremeAir-03.JPG (46576 Byte) XtremeAir-02.JPG (42226 Byte) XtremeAir-01.JPG (86809 Byte)  

Alternative Duo Fournier RF4 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Alternative Duo Fournier RF4 (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

XtremeAir XA-42 HB-MAD (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

XtremeAir XA-42 HB-MAD (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

XtremeAir XA-42 HB-MAD (Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

Wing Walking


Of course, Danielle Del Buono is a must at a Swiss air show. As always, the Boeing Stearman, built in 1943, is flown by her husband Emiliano Del Buono. The Stearman has been modified for wingwalking, so the aircraft has four ailerons instead of the usual two, and the engine is a 450 hp Pratt & Whitney radial engine with more than twice the power. There is a special wing rack on the upper wing for the demonstration. Danielle is secured to the aircraft at all times by a waist harness safety line. What is unusual about Danielle's demonstration is the fact that she really does literally walk over the wings, as the pictures show.

  Wingwalking-01.JPG (45544 Byte) Wingwalking-02.JPG (41881 Byte) Wingwalking-03.JPG (53524 Byte) Wingwalking-04.jpg (47638 Byte) Wingwalking-07.JPG (36481 Byte)  

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  Wingwalking-05.JPG (39178 Byte) Wingwalking-06.JPG (53402 Byte) Wingwalking-08.JPG (46346 Byte) Wingwalking-09.JPG (110895 Byte)  

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)


Patrouille Suisse


The Patrouille Suisse was one of the highlights of the programme. Usually a jet aerobatics team always arrives at the end of an event, so it was surprising that the team led by Captain Niels Hämmerlin was already flying at 4.00 pm. This is the team's 60th season since it was founded in 1964, but its future is more than uncertain. The Northrop F-5E Tiger is to be decommissioned in 2027, which would mean the end of the team. A petition to preserve the Patrouille Suisse was therefore also launched. It was therefore certainly the last time that the Patrouille Suisse flew over Dittingen. The programme was routinely presented and supported with lots of flares.

  PAS-01.JPG (103705 Byte) PAS-02.JPG (41683 Byte) PAS-03.JPG (45765 Byte) PAS-04.JPG (40764 Byte) PAS-05.JPG (42906 Byte)  

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

  PAS-06.JPG (86127 Byte) PAS-07.JPG (43452 Byte) PAS-08.JPG (40095 Byte) PAS-09.JPG (31480 Byte) PAS-10.JPG (44338 Byte)  

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

(Picture courtesy Michael E. Fader)

All in all, it was a well-done air show that was somewhat affected by bad weather on Sunday.


last update 18. August 2024

Written 18. August 2024


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