Variante A Variante B
1914 - 1948 1948 - heute
Roundel-1.GIF (7189 Byte) Roundel-2.gif (6966 Byte)

Variante A

Plane 20 6 7 32
Fokker CV 70,0 cm 21,0 cm 24,5 cm 1.00 m
EKW C-35 70,0 cm 21,0 cm 24,5 cm 1.00 m
EKW C-36 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,30 m
Dewoitine D-26 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,56 m
Dewoitine D-27 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,56 m
Me 109 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,30 m
Bf 108 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,30 m
D-38 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,30 m
Potez 63 95,0 cm 28,5 cm 33,3 cm 1,40 m


last update 1. May 2013

written 1. January 2007


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