Fighter Squadron 73




27. July 1948 VF-73 Established at NAS Quonst Point RI
1. March 1958 VF-73 Disestablished 



1948 - 1950



1950 - 1951



1951 - 1952



1952 - 1954



1954 - 1956
USN F9F-6 73 01.png (66432 Byte)



1956 - 1958
VF-73 Deployments 
4. January 1949 - 22. May 1949 CV-47 USS Philippine Sea CVG-7 F8F-1 L 300
4. January 1949 - 22. May 1949 CV-32 USS Leyte CVG-7 F8F-1 L 300
7. January 1953 - 3. July 1953 CVA-40 USS Tarawa CVG-10 F9F-5 L 300
4. January 1954 - 4. August 1954 CVB-41 USS Midway CVG-6 F9F-6 L 300
4. May 1955 - 10. December 1955 CVA-12 USS Hornet CVG-7 F9F-6 L 300
1. July 1957 - 24. February 1958 CVA-15 USS Randolph CVG-4 FJ-3M AD 300
VF-73 Commanding Officers 
? 27. July 1948 ?
CDR Richard Lee Wright ? 28. March 1952
LCDR John Gregory Dooling 28. March 1952 22. July 1952
  22. July 1952  


- later more -  


last update 22. February 2013

written 24. April 2005


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