Fighter Squadron 85


 "Sky Pirates"



1. July 1943 VF-85 Established at NAS
21. November 1945 VF-85 Disestablished at NAS



Jul 1943 - 1945



1944 - 1945
VF-85-03.jpg (391488 Byte) VF-85-04.jpg (127994 Byte) VF-85-05.jpg (75049 Byte) VF-85-06.jpg (105361 Byte) .
VF-85-08.jpg (90755 Byte) VF-85-02.jpg (95205 Byte) VF-85-09.jpg (92897 Byte) VF-85-07.jpg (105063 Byte) .
VF-85 Deployments 
10. April 1945 - 27. September 1945 CV-38 USS Shangri La CVG-85 F4U-1D, F6F-5N, -5P ...
VF-85 Commanding Officers 
? ? 15. May 1945
LCdr. Warren W. Ford 15. May 1945 27. Sep. 1945
? 27. Sep. 1945 21. Nov. 1945


- Has anyone more Informations about this Squadron -


last update 22. February 2013

written 24. April 2005


- Corrections, additions and remarks please send to the Web master Michael E. Fader -
- If information from this site is used as source material please credit  -
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