Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 466





30. November 1984

HMH-466 established at MCAS Tustin CA


1981 - today YK



1984 - present
HMH-466  Deployments 
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HMH-466 Commanding Officers 
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HMH-466 was activated in 1984 and is the last of the West Coast CH-53E squadrons to enter service. During Operation Desert Shield/Storm, the main body of HMH-466 served in Kuwait and Iraq with MAG-16, while a 4-plane detachment was deployed with 13th MEU/ARG Alpha. More recently, HMH-466 has supported Operations Enduring Freedom (Det HMH-466, attached to 11th MEU) in Afghanistan, and Operation Iraqi Freedom II. HMH-466, based at MCAS Miramar, supports I Marine Expeditionary Force and the three West Coast Marine Expeditionary Units.



last update 1. July 2013

written  19. April 2009


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