Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 776





1. April 1959 HMR-776 established at NAS Glenview IL
1. April 1962 HMR-776 was redesignated HMM-776
1. July 1972 HMM-776 was redesignated HML-776
1. July 1994 HML-776 deacivated at NAS Glenview IL


1959 - 1969 7V
1969 - 1972 5V
1972 - 1994 QL



1958 - 1960



1960 - 1971
HUS-1 (CH-34D)



1971 - 1978



1978 - 1993
HMR-776, HMM-776, HML-776 Home Port Assignments
NAS Glenview IL 1. Apr. 1959 1. Jul. 1994
HMR-776, HMM-776, HML-776 Deployments 
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HMR-776, HMM-776, HML-776  Commanding Officers 
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HML-776 was originally activated at Glenview, Illinois, in 1959, as Marine Helicopter Transport Squadron 776. HMR-776 was the second helicopter squadron to form at Glenview; HMR-763 had been activated in April 1958. In April 1962, the squadron was redesignated HMM-776. Later that year, HMM-763 was deactivated and its personnel assigned to HMM-776. Another change in designation took place in 1972 when the squadron traded in its UH-34Ds for UH-1Es, and became HML-776.

In 1990, HML-776 was called to active duty in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm and was deployed to Okinawa. In 1991, while assigned to MAG-36, HML-776 was sent to the Philippines to assist in relief operations following the eruption of Mount Pinautubo.

HML-776 returned to Glenview in 1991. In 1994, as part of the reorganization of Reserve units, HML-776 was deactivated. The squadron personnel and aircraft were transferred to Willow Grove, PA, and formed HMLA-773 Det A



last update 2. March 2022

written  19. April 2009


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