- 1945
1845 NAS personnel assembled at RNAS Donibristle in April 1944, and
after passage to the USA officially fomed at NAS Brunswick, Maine on
1. June 1944 as a single seater flghter squadron. Equipped with 18
Corsair IIls, these embarked in HMS Puncher in August for passage to
the UK, where the squadron joined the 10th Naval Fighter Wing,
re-equipping in November with 24 Corsair IVs. In December 1845 NAS
embarked in HMS Slinger and sailed for the Far East. After a spell
in Australia it re-embarked, and the ship sailed for the British
Pacific Fleet replenishment area in March 1945. However, on 5. April
1945 the squadron disbanded, its pilots and aircraft being divided
between squadrons in HMS Formidable and HMS Victorious.
On 1. June 1945 1845 NAS reformed as a single seater fighter
squadron at Archerlield, Australia. After a brief spell in HMS
Slinger, it became a spare squadron in the 3rd Carrier Air Group at
RNAS Nowra. On 24. October 1945 it disbanded there, its personnel
sailing home in SS Stratheden.
- Has
anyone more Informations about this Squadron - |