  Invicta (1965 - 1982)  

Airlines of the World





Invicta International Airlines Ltd was a charter airline based at Manston Airport in the United Kingdom. It operated non-scheduled passenger and freight services between 1965 and 1982.
Invicta International Airlines was founded in November 1964 by Hugh Kennard following a takeover by Air Holdings of Air Ferry. A provisional base was established at Ramsgate Airport.Crew training took place from 3. March and the first revenue earning flight took place on 20. March when one of the Vikings flew a charter flight to Basle, Switzerland. On 30. March, one of the DC-4s operated the first revenue earning freight.

It was announced on 3. January 1969 that Invicta was to merge with British Midland, effective 18 March. British Midland was to operate passenger flights using a fleet of 12 Viscounts. Invicta was to operate a cargo service under the name "British Midland - Invicta Cargo" using a fleet of three DC-4s. By April, Kennard had decided that the merger was not working, and in June he formed Invicta Airways (1969) Ltd. The aircraft were the three DC-4s. The Viscounts having gone to British Midland as part of the merger.

By 1970, the DC-4 was ageing and other aircraft types available had much greater capacity. Plans were made to replace the DC-4s. During July and August, dockworkers across the United Kingdom were on strike, leading to increased air freight business. On 10. October 1970 the first Vickers Vanguard was leased from Air Holdings.

Early in 1980, Invicta was sold to Kenyan businessman Horatio De Gama Rose. On 8. April 1982, De Gama Rose declared that Invicta was insolvent







Vicker Viking

Vicker Viking Vicker Viking



Vicker Viscount

Vicker Viscount

Vickers Vanguard



Vickers Vanguard Vickers Vanguard Vickers Vanguard



Vickers Vanguard (1970) Vickers Vanguard (1971)  




US Serial






Viking 1 - G-AHOW c/n 124 28. Oct. 1966 3. Feb. 1969 Withdrawn from service in Sep.1967 at Manston
Viking 1 - G-AHOY c/n 128 12. Feb. 1965 3. Feb. 1969 Certificate of Airworthiness expired 15. Mar. 1968
Viking 1b - G-AHPL c/n 149 12. Feb. 1965 May 1967 Certificate of Airworthiness expired 15. Mar. 1968
Viking 1b - G-AIVF c/n 219 23. Mar. 1966 3. Feb. 1969 -
Viking 1b - G-AOCH c/n 150 23. Mar. 1966 3. Feb. 1969 Certificate of Airworthiness expired 7. Jul. 1968
C-54A-15-DC 42–72303 G-APID 10408 6. Apr. 1966 14. Aug. 1967 to Spantax
C-54G-1-DO 45-483 G-ARWK 35936 29. Jun. 1966 31. Aug. 1966 Leased to Invicta
C-54A-15-DC 42–72307 G-ASEN 10412 7. Apr. 1966 4. Feb. 1971 -
C-54B-1-DC 42–72438 G-ASPM 10543 18. Feb. 1965 5. Sep. 1972 -
C-54A-10-DC 42-72232 G-ASPN 10337 20. Feb. 1965 18. Apr. 1972 Damaged in a gale at Manston on 26. Jan. 1971
C-54D-1-DC 42-72535 G-ASZT 10640 1. Apr. 1966 29. Sep. 1967 Leased to Invicta
Viscount 755D - G-AOCB c/n 92 26. Mar. 1968 13. Jan. 1969 To British Midland Airways
Viscount 755D - G-AOCC c/n 93 1. Feb. 1968 13. Jan. 1969 To British Midland Airways
Vanguard V952 - G-AXNT c/n 737 10. Oct. 1970 28. Oct. 1975 first leased, purchased on 1. Mar. 1971
Vanguard V952 - G-AXOO c/n 733 1. Mar. 1971 28. Feb. 1973 Certificate of Airworthiness expired
Vanguard V952 - G-AXOP c/n 745 1. Mar. 1973 10. April 1973 Crashed at Hochwald, Switzerland
Vanguard V952 - G-AXOY c/n 727 1. Mar. 1973 5. Nov. 1976 -
Vanguard V952 - G-AYFN c/n 725 14. Apr. 1973 29. Aug. 1975 first leased, purchased on 16. Oct. 1973
Vanguard V952 - G-AZRE c/n 729 27 Mar. 1972 11 Sep. 197 first leased, purchased on 1. Mar. 197
Vanguard V952 - G-BAFK c/n739 5 Jun. 1974 21 Oct. 1975 -
Boeing 720-023 - G-BCBA 18014 ? 10 May 1974 -
Britannia 308F - G-ANCF 12922 14 Jun. 1976 30 Oct. 1980 first leased, purchased on 14. Jan. 1977
Britannia 312F - G-AOVF 13237 Apr. 1976
2 Nov. 1978
Sep. 1977
4 Jun. 1981
Britannia 312F - G-AOVS 13430 ? ? Leased
Britannia 312 - G-AOVT 13427 13 Dec. 1974 10 Mar. 1975 Leased

- Last update: 12. April 2023 Written: 21. July 2021 - -
- Corrections, additions and remarks please send to the Web master Michael E. Fader -
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