
North American T-28 Trojan


Aircraft of the Royal Khmer Air Force






The North American Aviation T-28 Trojan is a piston-engined military trainer aircraft used by the USAF and U.S. Navy beginning in the 1950s. Besides its use as a trainer, the T-28 was successfully employed as a counter-insurgency aircraft, primarily during the Vietnam War. On 24 September 1949, the XT-28 (company designation NA-159) was flown for the first time, designed to replace the T-6 Texan. Found satisfactory, a contract was issued and between 1950 and 1957, a total of 1,948 were built.


Die Trojan von North American Aviation T-28 ist ein militärisches Schulflugzeug mit Kolbenmotor, das in den 1950er Jahren von der USAF und der U.S. Navy eingesetzt wurde. Neben seiner Verwendung als Trainer wurde die T-28 vor allem während des Vietnamkriegs erfolgreich als Aufstandsbekämpf-ungsflugzeug eingesetzt. Am 24. September 1949 wurde die XT-28 (Firmenbezeichnung NA-159) zum ersten Mal geflogen, um die T-6 Texan zu ersetzen. Als befriedigend befunden wurde ein Vertrag und zwischen 1950 und 1957 für insgesamt 1.948 Maschinen abgeschlossen.






U.S. Navy version with 1,425 hp Wright R-1820-86A or - 86B radial engine, three-blade propeller, belly-mounted speed brake; 489 built.


U.S. Navy Version mit 1.425 PS Wright R-1820-86A oder -86B Sternmotor, Dreiblattpropeller, Luftbremse unter dem Rumpf; 489 gebaut.



T-28A & Bs converted for the USAF in 1962 for the counter-insurgency, reconnaissance, search and rescue, and forward air controller roles in Vietnam. Fitted with two underwing hardpoints. 321 converted



T-28A & Bs umgebaut für die USAF im Jahr 1962 für die Aufstandsbekäm-pfung, Aufklärung, Such- und Rettungsaufgaben sowie die Ge-fechtsfeldüberwachung in Vietnam. Ausgestattet mit zwei Waffen-stationen, 321 umgebaut


Ammo pans for the gun-pack inside the wings


Munitionszufuhr für das Maschinengewehr in den Flügeln


Version with six underwing hardpoint


Version mit sechs Waffenstationen


Operational history



The first 16 T-28s of the Royal Khmer Air Force were acquired in May and August 1962. In 1970 the ARVK had only 6 operational T-28Ds.


On 21. March 1964 two Cambodian T-28Ds surprised a VNAF O-1 inside the Khmer airspace. The Cambodian flight leader, Captain (Prince) Sisowat Monirak took a position behind the South Vietnamese and shot it down two miles inside South Vietnamese territory, killing the Vietnamese pilot and the US observer. Despite Cambodian propaganda presenting Prince Monirak as a hero, Sihanouk ordered the AVRK in the future not to pursue intruding aircraft over the border.


In the night of the 21 January 1971, most ARVK T-28s were destroyed during a sapper attack on Pochentong Air Base.




Royal Khmer Air Force

Khmer Air Force

Khmer Air Force





Khmer Air Force

Khmer Air Force


Specifications T-28D



12.22 m



10.06 m



3.86 m

Wing area Flügelfläche

24.90 m²



1 × Wright R-1820-86 Cyclone radial engine, 1,425 hp

Maximum speed


552 km/h

Empty weight


2,914 kg

Loaded weight


3,856 kg

Climb Rate


20.3 m/s

Service ceiling


10,820 m



1705 km




North American T-28 Trojan

US Serial






T-28D 51-7584 0-17584 174-392 7. Aug. 1962 10. Nov. 1971 w/o
T-28D 51-7778 0-17778 174-631 7. Aug. 1962 30. Jun. 1972 w/o
T-28D 51-7807 0-17807 174-660 7. Aug. 1962 17. Mar. 1973 ?
T-28D 51-7815 0-17815 174-668 7. Aug. 1962  21. Jan. 1971 w/o in sapper attack at Pochentong
T-28D 51-7819 0-17819 174-672 7. Aug. 1962 Nov. 1973 w/o
T-28D 0-17823 51-7823 174-676 7. Aug. 1962 2. Jul. 1972 w/o
T-28D-5 0-17825 51-7825 174-678 7. Aug. 1962 27 Mar. 1972 w/o
T-28D 0-17828 51-7828 174-681 7. Aug. 1962 May 73 w/o
T-28D 0-17831 51-7831 174-684 7. Aug. 1962 ? -
T-28D-5 0-17833 51-7833 174-686 7. Aug. 1962 ? -
T-28D-5    17837 51-7837 174-690 7. Aug. 1962 12. Nov. 1971 w/o
T-28D-5 0-17839 51-7839 174-692 7. Aug. 1962 24 Apr. 1975 escaped to Thailand
T-28D 0-21228 52-1228 189-43 18. May 1962 30 Sep. 1972 w/o
T-28D 0-21196 0-21196 189-11 18. May 1962  21. Jan. 1971 w/o in sapper attack at Pochentong
T-28D 52-1210 0-21210 189-25 18. May 1962  21. Jan. 1971 w/o in sapper attack at Pochentong
T-28D 52-1229 0-21229 189-25 18. May 1962  21. Jan. 1971 w/o in sapper attack at Pochentong
T-28D 51-3579 0-13579 174-117 1971 ? ex RLAF,



17. March 1973
The North American T-28D “0-17807” was stolen from Pochentong Air Base by Captain So Photra  who attempted to drop his bomb load on the Presidential Residence; he missed his mark and the bombs hit a barracks adjacent to the Residence, killing and wounding many people; the whereabouts of the aircraft are unknown



last update 12. August 2021

written 1. January 2018


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