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Towards the end of 2002, I decided to realise the idea of my own homepage. My brother-in-law Reto Racine, who had his own homepage for a while, helped me get started. After a test phase of one month, I launched this homepage on 1 January 2003. Over the last few months, my homepage has continued to develop. Weekends have gone by, but I am not yet satisfied with the interim result and will continue to work on my homepage.

Already in summer 2003, after only 6 months, I realised that my homepage was getting too big and above all too confusing. Therefore, on 1 November 2003, I separated out the parts about my hobbies aviation and model making and combined them in a separate homepage under the title WINGS (www.wings.de.ms). 2011 after some technical problems the homepage can be reached under the title www.wings-aviation.ch


Am 1. November 2003 hatte ich meine Homepage auf drei Themenbereiche beschränkt. Zum Teil sind diese noch aktuelle, aber einige habe ich inzwischen wieder entfernt, denn nach rund 21 Jahren haben sich meine prioritäten etwas verschoben, so ist der Modellbau heute nicht mehr vertreten.

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Die ersten drei Themen

It all began on a rainy summer's day in Hamburg in 1969. As a 10-year-old boy called Knopf, I visited the old Hanseatic city of Hamburg with my parents. A visit in the rain is not exactly what you would call a summer holiday. As luck would have it, the American aircraft carrier USS Wasp was in harbour at the time. I didn't have much to do with the navy and shipping at that time, but I persuaded my parents to visit the carrier.

This visit to the aircraft carrier awakened in me an interest in aircraft and ships of the U.S. Navy that has stayed with me for the rest of my life.

Modelling developed as an outlet to process what I had seen in Hamburg. The primary focus of my modelling work was therefore fixed on the U.S. Navy . Later, when I joined theIPMS, other themes such as "Vietnam", "USAF", "European air forces" and "Thailand" were added.

However, I have to admit that I am a die-hard 72 scale modeler. The scale of all things (in modelling) for me is and remains 1 : 72. I was particularly proud of my links page, which contains many useful links for modellers.

Apart from modelling, photographing aircraft is also one of my hobbies.

Inevitably when you are married to a Thai woman (now 30 years) you get to know the Thai culture and way of life. No, not another site that reports on the coexistence between Thais and "farang". I would like to refer you to www.racine.ch.vu . Derived from my hobby, I would like to limit myself to aviation in Thailand, which is rarely mentioned but is worthy of attention. I have recently compiled some facts about the history of Thailand. The history of Siam or Thailand is rather unknown to the general public. Further information about Thailand is available on the homepage www.fader.ch.vu later www.familie-fader.ch.

Perhaps you find also something which you please.

Have a look!



- Last update: 14. April 2024 Written: 6. Mai 2005 - -
- Corrections, additions and remarks please send to the Web master Michael E. Fader -
- If information from this site is used as source material please credit www.wings-aviation.ch  -
- If this page does not have a navigational frame on the left, click HERE to see the rest of the website. -